You Are Always Forgivable
/You are always forgivable. You can forgive yourself even when…
You are guilty and feel regret.
You can’t fix what you damaged.
You can forgive yourself even when others won’t.
Weekly Threads pull us deeper into these conversations that matter! Share them with a friend, partner or, better yet, a Group!
You are always forgivable. You can forgive yourself even when…
You are guilty and feel regret.
You can’t fix what you damaged.
You can forgive yourself even when others won’t.
Where are you on the God Idea Continuum?
Pretty comfortable with the God Idea and God-talk
Hmmm, God is a little more complicated
God -talk is a trigger for me
Nope, don’t buy it.
Our exploration of forgiveness requires us to take a deeper, bigger view of not only the F Word, but also this G Word. We need words and images to talk about anything, including what we refer to as “”God.” Can you recognize and honor the ways you necessarily box-in that 3rd strand whenever you put words and images to it? Can you also find ways to hold yourself accountable to a bigger, deeper perspective than the one you can have by yourself? No matter where you are at with the “concept” at a given moment?
Talk about this together! Ask someone about their responses and struggles with this and really listen.
Talk with someone you trust about this. What did you learn? What did it make you wonder? What was the hardest part for you?
Didn’t do it yet? Where can you practice that it is easier so you can build your skills for the harder places?
Accepting the damage of hurt and wrongs in our relationships and world as inevitable/ normal is like walking around with pebbles in your shoes
Read MoreWe think Forgiveness:
Is about the other person
Means forgetting, getting over or overlooking hurts and wrongs
Makes things like they were before
Is too hard
What else do you think about Forgiveness? How could thinking about forgiveness differently shift something important for you?
This Week’s Forgiveness Challenge: Name a time when someone did something that hurt you. Did you go to that person to try to work it out? Or avoid them because it was uncomfortable? Which is easier? Which is more likely to breathe new life into the relationship?
Fabric… now on the World Wide Web! Fabric is a thoughtful, progressive church community based in South Minneapolis. Together we're experimenting with what church can be for folks, and engaging life "woven deeply" (with ourselves, God, and all others) through conversations that matter, significant relationships, and inspiring experiences for people of all ages. We take this stuff seriously, and prioritize playfulness along the way!
Photos and reflections by Jeanette Mayo
The turn of the calendar tempts us with promises of newness—fresh starts, better habits, upgraded versions of ourselves. But what if, instead of charging ahead with self-improvement schemes, we took a cue from winter’s stillness? What if we let go of the relentless hustle and embraced the radical idea that we are already enough?
Fabric’s January series, “Give Up,” has invited us into this counterintuitive wisdom—the grace of resting, receiving, and recognizing our inherent worth. Nature doesn’t demand that a hibernating bear emerge as a “better” bear. Spring’s renewal is not about striving but about unfolding what has been there all along.
In Wintering, Katherine May reminds us that transformation often happens in the quiet, unseen spaces. And in Belonging, Toko-pa Turner challenges us to strengthen our “receiving muscle,” to accept the support woven into our interconnected lives. “You are the receiver of too many generosities to count,” she writes. “Count them anyway.”
So, what if we stopped trying to earn our existence? What if we acknowledged the trees, the friendships, the small kindnesses that hold us? What if, instead of striving, we surrendered to belonging?
You are the gift. That’s enough. May it be so.
Ian reflects a bit on the supposed divide between “sacred” and “secular,” and on Fabric’s 18+ year position straddling the two…
(Connect with us via
our Contact Page.)
Fabric MPLS
Sundays @ 10:30am
Field Elementary School, 4645 4th Ave S, Mpls, MN 55419 (map)
Questions? Connect with us via our Contact Page
Office: 3751 17th Ave S/ Minneapolis, MN 55407
(612) 822-0300
Regarding photos on our site, it is our intention to honor the wishes of subjects of the photos and the photographers taking them.
Use our contact page or send an email if there's a photo that you'd like removed or credited.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!