Every week there’s a ton of content we connect around as a community. Stories, meditations, discussion, guides and more are often available! Check out these resources!
Join us for “Give Up.” What if there’s something calling you back to yourself to simply be… and that it will be more than enough?
You are invited to get “In the Spirit” with the Fabric Youth annual Christmas musical – Alice in Christmasland!
Warm up to chili. Wake up to change! We’ll gather for tasty fun and inspiration as home chefs battle in our chili cook-off!
We’ll pause, reflect, and imagine as we discover together what’s worth giving a fig (or more!) for…
We have named some tools for your CareIQ toolbox that we think everyone needs to deal with the “out-of-the-ordinary” care situations of life, especially during this tense election season of 2024.
There are dozens of directions our attention is being pulled. How might you chart a course forward in a way you feel at peace with?
Could it be that the closer we look at ourselves, each other and the world the more we begin to recognize “God?”
Together, let's get into the concept of "sabbath," reclaim it a bit, and let it pick away at "the way things are" as we move forward towards how things could be.
How might we shift our gaze up from ourselves and peer out into the wider world together with good courage? We’ll hear from trusted experts and practice being brave in uncertain times.
There’s more to living than not being dead! The Easter story gives us a beautiful (if not kind of scary) look into both death and life.
Rooted | There seems to be a connection between suffering and disconnection. Join in as we check in on our interconnected root systems!
Who’s that guy? It’s Ian! Still not enough? Well, we’re all just starting to get to know Ian McConnell and his family. “What would possess a seemingly rational human to hop into the driver’s seat of this bus?” you ask. Maybe for a similar reason you’d choose to be part of the Fabric experiment! Come find out (or be reminded) why Fabric matters so much with the “New Guy!”
We’ll look at the surprising power - and the challenges - of help. Both asking for and offering it. Good basic healthy reminders for all of us.
That sounds a bit heretical, and probably is. But face it, Greg has a perspective he’s used for the past 17 years (his pitching mound). Its purpose hasn’t been to make us agree with him but to get us thinking… together… about the stuff that matters
Chefs will battle for their chili to be crowned this year's best. Cast your votes for your favorite, win fabulous raffle prizes AND support the difference-making work of this year’s incredible local nonprofit partner, Full Cycle!
Fabric Kids share their version of this musical tale to help us all consider how we can be part of a Christmas that lasts.
If you can’t find the real meaning of Christmas in a Santa Claus movie where can you? Okay, we agree, probably lots of places.
Fabric cares about your spirituality, and to be honest, it’s not as hard as you may think to be spiritually healthy. Join us at Field School for 5 weeks as we help each other do what we are designed to do.
Join us as we do some learning, unlearning, trying on, and pondering five things that we think will work for you!
We live in a compromised…let’s face it…endangered world because we have thought it was our place. To find our way forward to a healthy, sustainable environment we need to learn our place within it not over it. This will be hard, but it is possible, and it is the way it is meant to be.
Join Fabric for another Special Sunday on August 13! Gather a team of 2-5 people or come and form a team at race time!
We are called to create a future full of justice, hope, love, potential, and life! During July and August we will be gathering at the Minnehaha Falls Bandstand around some important “What if?”s.
Fabric’s 1st Special Sunday! Bingo with a twist! Join renowned Twin Cities Drag Queens as they call the numbers and delight us with their jokes and song at Lake Hiawatha Recreation Center.
Let’s Go Beyond! Fabric is all about doing what we know to do, and then…going beyond! It’s risky. It’s living! Welcome as we explore going beyond personally and as a community.
Dangerous Book: How to make the Bible less (and more) dangerous - Join us as we learn how to read the bible - so it’s less dangerous, and discover some of the exciting possibilities it reveals - so it can be more dangerous!
Let's celebrate all of Easter this year in ways that make sense for grown ups and kids. Fabric is about weaving life deeply, and it can be dark in the deep. It's life!
What did the Buddhist monk say to the hotdog vendor? "Make me one with everything." Jokes aside, most people report praying sometimes. So, what is prayer to you?
One of our goals as a community is for us to each reclaim our relationship with our money so that it serves us instead of us serving it.
Tough situations rise up daily for you to support and encourage others, and those times are big enough challenges. But you also face times when the stakes are a lot higher and the needs a lot bigger. What do you do then?
For a more complete list of previous conversations, click here!
Join us for a creative, thought-provoking journey where pop culture meets spirituality, inviting us to weave deeper connections in our lives and our world.