Messy isn’t a defect.

We’re not all the same. We come from different places, different economic backgrounds and realities. We bring our own histories, biases, and baggage and routines. We represent different age groups, races, and ethnicities, genders, sexualities, and abilities. We don’t see stuff the same way. It can be messy…and we’re better for it. One of the big things we share is trying to find a healthy expression of our true self in community as we engage the deep (and often messy) stuff of life.

What it means to be church is changing rapidly and radically. Fabric feels called to focus on growing one of these new spaces — to meet the spiritual needs of a diverse range of people, including those with limited church exposure, those looking for a new way to experience church, and those who have lost faith in church, religion, and God. Fabric is a community that holds everyone equally, from life-long church attenders identifying as Christian and to those that do not identify as Christian or theistic and forges a community of love, support, and honest dialogue out of the strength of our differences.

We are always trying to support each other toward health and wholeness as individuals, and we see how life is most fulfilling when it’s woven deeply with others (including the world around us), and the often-mysterious element we often call “God,” or the “third strand.”

Tying knots
Sometimes it’s important to get things untangled in life, and sometimes it’s important to “tie a knot;” to mark a moment together. This is a metaphor and has become a physical practice or ritual for us in our gatherings. You’ll see our “loom,” a panel of fabric strips woven together where we gather. You’re welcome to weave cloths into it in honor of important moments in your life as they come up.