Fabric Financial Stewardship Team (aka Swell Team)
The Financial Stewardship Team’s work focuses on the financial health of Fabric, specifically maintaining and growing our income.
The Financial Stewardship Team is distinct from the Fabric Board, which as part of its fiduciary duties is responsible for approving the annual budget, tracking our finances vs. budget, and ensuring compliance with ethical, financial, and legal standards. The Finance Team, comprised of Katy, Ian, the Treasurer, and a community volunteer, is responsible for the day-to-day financial duties of paying invoices, recording deposits, reconciling monthly bank statements, developing the budget, and filing tax and wage reports.
Key roles/functions/tasks of Financial Stewardship Team members:
Learn about and hold a deep understanding of Fabric’s funding, particularly sources of income, data about autogiving, community giving, etc. Fabric’s Treasurer will provide training and data.
Lead the Spring Giving Challenge, Give to the Max, and other fundraising efforts to support Fabric’s budget.
Given that the vast majority of Fabric’s income currently comes from the community and friends of Fabric, develop messaging about Fabric’s funding, budget, and the need for giving.
Research and pursue new ideas/income streams to help diversify Fabric’s income.
Serve as a resource/go-to person for community members who have questions, feedback, ideas about Fabric’s finances.
Financial Stewardship team is comprised of 5-6 members, mostly Fabric regulars but potentially friends of Fabric with an interest/expertise in fundraising. The Chair of the team should be a Fabric regular.
Ian, Lead Pastor, is the staff liaison to the Team.
Laureen, Fabric’s Treasurer, is not part of the Stewardship Team but is a resource. She will provide the Team with an orientation to Fabric’s finances, data about autogiving and other giving, and updates on budget vs. actual income.
Team meets approximately 5-6 times a year and has regular contact via email.
Suggested commitment of at least 2 years.
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!