Cease and Resist
/Does it feel like there’s too much going on to pause what you’re doing? What if stopping was one of the most effective ways to join the resistance? Together, let's get into the concept of "sabbath," reclaim it a bit, and let it pick away at "the way things are" as we move forward towards how things could be.
May 19 | Sabbath 101 - “Cease and Resist” sounds a bit legalistic, doesn’t it? Turns out, there’s some good wisdom in the practice of stepping away from the grind. Let’s talk about “sabbath,” and start reclaiming it!
May 26 | Restore - Practicing sabbath cracks open the possibility of letting ourselves (and everything around us) go a bit wild… what would be possible if we experienced restoration? LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
June 2 | Delight - Life isn’t meant to just make us tired! It’s meant to make us happy. Deeply happy. The kind of happy we are told we can buy or achieve but that really only requires us to do one thing: stop. Are you ready to be surprised by the gratuitous goodness that is always growing in and around you? Stopping can be strangely scary. Let’s practice together and make space for the fruitful uselessness of delight! **including heading outside after the gathering for a frivolous hang with food and fun to appreciate and celebrate all that goes in to being Fabric together! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
June 9 | Commune - Is Sabbath a practice on our own? Is there a communal aspect to sabbath? Rest can sometimes feel like we are putting burdens on others -- that if I rest, then someone else has to work harder. However, when done well, sabbath can be an invitation to create healthy communities that together find balance in the interplay of work and rest. As a community that recognizes our interwovenness with all others, we get to talk about how the community can come together to create an experience of Sabbath. LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
June 16 | Release - To “cease and resist” is ultimately about liberation; about being ready for the world and our place in it, but not being held hostage by it. What would it be like to release the need to control, to know more and do more and be more than is healthy? We are made for so much more than what is controllable! LIVESTREAM | PODCAST | SUNDAY PAPER | GROUP GUIDE
June 23 | Radical Sabbath - Yes! It can feel radically different and hard to trust that there are no have-tos or shoulds when it comes to being Fabric. But that's one of sabbath's big reminders. (The staff needs to practice too -- setting down even the work we love!) So here is where we interrupt our Fabric business-as-usual and practice sabbath in a radical way. Sleep in, savor breakfast, enjoy a bike ride, sip a cup of coffee on your porch, play, meander around the yard…whatever practices help you be most open to receiving the world. So, unless it's to play on the playground, don't come to Field! We'll see you starting June 30 at the Minnehaha Falls Bandstand for the summer.
Photos and reflections by Jeanette Mayo
The turn of the calendar tempts us with promises of newness—fresh starts, better habits, upgraded versions of ourselves. But what if, instead of charging ahead with self-improvement schemes, we took a cue from winter’s stillness? What if we let go of the relentless hustle and embraced the radical idea that we are already enough?
Fabric’s January series, “Give Up,” has invited us into this counterintuitive wisdom—the grace of resting, receiving, and recognizing our inherent worth. Nature doesn’t demand that a hibernating bear emerge as a “better” bear. Spring’s renewal is not about striving but about unfolding what has been there all along.
In Wintering, Katherine May reminds us that transformation often happens in the quiet, unseen spaces. And in Belonging, Toko-pa Turner challenges us to strengthen our “receiving muscle,” to accept the support woven into our interconnected lives. “You are the receiver of too many generosities to count,” she writes. “Count them anyway.”
So, what if we stopped trying to earn our existence? What if we acknowledged the trees, the friendships, the small kindnesses that hold us? What if, instead of striving, we surrendered to belonging?
You are the gift. That’s enough. May it be so.