Rehashing the past and the F Word
/Where are you stuck rehashing the past? What does the F Word have to do with getting unstuck?
In the “F Yourself” message Greg Meyer claimed: “You can forgive yourself because God is busy creating the future, not rehashing the past.” He reminded us of another Fabric conviction: “There is no baggage from your past that is greater than God’s vision for your future.”
How do you hear those two statements? Talk about it. (Does the G-Word get in the way for anyone? Talk about that too. These ideas need to stay bigger than any 3-letter word!)
Share examples of what re-hashing a past hurt sounds like. (I really did a dumb thing… That hurt so much… I am so angry…I can’t believe I… I can’t believe they…)
What can the shift to the creation of something new sound like? (What matters most to me now is… What I can do today is…What would help me right at this moment is…Something I know now is….)
What’s in it for people to stay busy rehashing the past? What’s in it for people to forgive in the now?
A brief preview of our upcoming FabricTV+ series, and announcing the first-ever Fabric Film Festival! Put together a team and make a film together— it doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or haven’t made a short film before… it’s all about creativity, not perfection!